Through your generosity and compassion, NHA was able to provide Mosquito Bed Netting for all of the families of the students at NHA Kabala School, for many families in Freetown, and for several families along the road from Freetown to Kabala. It was very exciting to be able actually place these nets into the hands of those who desperately need them and to those who will actually use them for their purpose: to help stop the spread of malaria! As I said before, unfortunately we had to purchase these bednets at $8 per net! This was a very worthwhile expenditure and we didn't mind to do it. What we did mind, was finding out after we opened the box full of nets, that these bednets were clearly marked "NOT FOR RESALE" as they were gifts to the people of Sierra Leone from other Aid Organizations. They were intended to be distributed to those so vulnerable to malaria, but instead were hoarded and resold. At least, least, NHA was able to put these nets over the beds of families for which they were intended...and this is a blessing.
Pa Foday has assured us that he will check in on all the families that received bednets at the school and see that they are being used properly. We thank him for this and appreciate his time given to assure that malaria mosquitoes attempt at reaching the children is hampered.