This next Blog Series will be to introduce the newcomers to Nazareth House to the faces and people who make up this organization. We will begin in Sierra Leone with our beloved family who operate our rented distribution house, affectionately known as ST LAURENCE HOUSE.
For information as to the reason we named the center "St. Laurence House" refer to previous post of this blog ran on August 10, 2008, Treasures of the church" (
James Mansaray is the director of St. Laurence House and the head of his household, however, little Roo (his son) runs a pretty good show of his own within St. Laurence House. Even while growing in Kadijah's womb, when he first received his nickname, Roo captured the hearts of all of us. He is one of the cutest and smartest two years old around.

His smile can melt even the coldest of hearts.
Yet, like every toddler journeying through the Terrible Twos, Roo has his moments when he is mischievous, rambunctious and not too pleasant to be around.
Many parents in America (and maybe in Europe, too - I'm not sure), reprimand their children that misbehave by making them sit in "time-out"; a space or area where they must sit quietly, compose themselves if crying and contemplate what they had just done wrong. Upon arriving at St. Laurence House, we found out that Roo's "time out" is the wall. If Roo is whining or misbehaving, he is told "Roo, face the wall!" and little Roo obediently faces the wall until he can collect himself. More times than not, the question, "Roo, You want to face the wall?" will turn the situation in a positive manner without actual wall time taking place.
After a small time of contemplation while facing the wall, Roo always makes sure to apologize and show his parents he loves them. It is as if he understands that the corrections they give are in the end for his own benefit.
With all of us encouraging and supporting him along the way, we are expecting Roo to do big things as he grows up. Who knows? Maybe President of Sierra Leone some day???
Fr. Seraphim playing soccer with Roo at a store front in Freetown.