James reported in our previous post this morning via this blog that those in need came out looking for a bit of help from those celebrating the end of Ramadan. They also come out for Holy Days of other religions such as Christmas, etc. It is important that we remember those in need at all times and not only during special holidays. Now that the school in Kabala has completed the Construction Stage and is now in maintenance mode (monthly teacher salaries, student school materials & supplies); Nazareth House wishes to re-focus to our special care of those who have fallen in the cracks; seeking out those who have no other means of assistance for survival, growth or education. We depend on your compassion and generosity to meet these needs.
St. Simeon Skete, Taylorsville Kentucky USA
With St. Simeon, the God receiver, as our patron, the skete seeks to practice the ideals found in our Rule, The Thousand Day Nazareth. In simplicity and poverty, the skete embraces the struggle of inner life through the practice of the Prayer Rope.
See our website at www.nazarethhouseap.org
Donations should be addressed to: Nazareth House Apostolate, 185 Captains Cove Drive, Taylorsville, Kentucky 40071.
Important Notice: All writings, posts, graphics & photographs in this blog are the copyrighted property of (unless otherwise indicated) Nazareth House Media, a division of Nazareth House Apostolate and cannot be copied, printed or used without written permission from NHA Media, Taylorsville, KY.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Hoping for Alms giving
James reported in our previous post this morning via this blog that those in need came out looking for a bit of help from those celebrating the end of Ramadan. They also come out for Holy Days of other religions such as Christmas, etc. It is important that we remember those in need at all times and not only during special holidays. Now that the school in Kabala has completed the Construction Stage and is now in maintenance mode (monthly teacher salaries, student school materials & supplies); Nazareth House wishes to re-focus to our special care of those who have fallen in the cracks; seeking out those who have no other means of assistance for survival, growth or education. We depend on your compassion and generosity to meet these needs.