THANK YOU for the quick response to our plea to raise funds for us to travel to Sierra Leone to deliver much needed medications and supplies and to tend to the needs of the people suffering in Sierra Leone. We expect to treat hundreds of children who are suffering from Internal Parasites such as pin worms, hookworms and round worms. Many of these children will die without such treatment.
We are getting closer to reaching the airfare costs (we lack about $1500) and we still must raise the "on the ground" cash for needs. We use this money to take care of necessities as we travel through Sierra Leone, fixing leaking roofs, providing rice to hungry families, providing hospital fees for those who need to be admitted, etc. Whatever their need, we do our best to give aid as we happen upon village to village.
Keep up the good work, Spread the Love... Invite everyone you know to be a part of Nazareth House Apostolate making a visible difference in many many lives.