My dear friends,
It is with great joy and happiness for me to again be near this computer writing yet another report on the situation on the ground in Freetown.
Yes, I was seriously ill the last few weeks and I am aware of how concerned all of you were when this was announced. The bad news was, I had this intense hurting pain in my stomach that sent me to tears all night long and the good news now is, I am alive again and kicking. I was a bit scared with the doctor's report but it seems as if big change is happening down there with your prayers.
I had to skip the doctor's second appointment for an urgent call to Kabala. I was on the road again last Sunday afternoon just after Mass; bundled with several buckets of paints and other building materials. Thanks to Pagay a young business man in Kabala who gave me a nice ride to Kabala in his truck but i had to be his driver as he ate and slept comfortably all the way. As usual, several stops and breakdowns on the way but all that could not stop us from reaching our destination late that evening.
With just a little bit of makeup work left, i am pleased to let you all know that the school is all done, ready and set for opening come September 2008. It took us six good days to paint both the interior and ceiling of this huge school. Despite my poor health, I had to spend more time with the workers this time helping and directing how it should be done. I promise to send you all the final and last picture of this your sponsored worked come next week. Thank you all very very much for a job well done.
Now, we have this desperate call for the presence of Fr. Seraphim and Mama Vicki to present this gift from YOU to the Kabala community. I had answered so many questions on their behalf and it is time for me to invite them to come and do the rest on this school open day. Everybody is asking and needing their presence here. This I assured the people even before I learnt of your success in securing their air tickets. Pa Foday and I cant stand alone with a ceremony like this and it is with this that we ask you all to help do whatever you can to support the transport Fr. And Mama Vicki to us before the said date.
Mama Vicki & I will be involved with the school opening, distribution of medications to the Kabala Government hospital, giving of rice and help to those desperately in need around us etc. Mama has the much needed internal parasite treatment that we must give to the sick kids immediately. Such trips happen just once every year so please help us make it happen successfully.
To crown it all, we at St. Laurence House need a day or two with mama Vicki who had been very very busy begging; trying to makes sure to meet all the needs here. I wish some day you all could come and be part of this.
With your continuous support, we have come this far and would like to thank you all for making Nazareth House Apostolate school successful in Sierra Leone. I ask you again, to please give today to make a better tomorrow possible for these children.
God bless you all.
Note: Please see our website (www.nazarethhouseap.org) page titled "NHA Education" and click on the link at the top of that page for the Photo Web Album to see the latest pictures of the school taken this past week. Use the slide show option.