Thanks to your generosity, Nazareth House Apostolate Operations Center, affectionately known as St. Laurence House has received a new refrigerator to store medicines that must be kept cold (infant amoxicillin, etc).
The above photos show the front and back of this cooler.
In looking at the backside of the frig, I began to grin as I noticed it has been labeled. Labeling articles of clothing, items that we own - are standard process these days, especially when packing kids off to camp or school, lunch boxes, backpacks, etc. I can't remember ever labeling a refrigerator... its not an item that someone could easily become confused over its ownership. At least, I don't think so...but then I remember one Fall in Freetown when our neighbor came to us and informed us that "Thieves are presently at my house". We looked out the window only to see this man's mattresses being hurriedly carried down the street. So maybe someone could evoke ownership confusion over an item as large as a refrigerator. My first time in Sierra Leone, I did see a man carrying a refrigerator (only a bit smaller than the one in the above photo) on his head down a busy Freetown street. He had a small towel curled up on his head to help ease the weight.