What happened at the top o' that morning, proved that they do indeed remember "the Day of the Green", at least at NHA School.
A few days before, at one of the Freetown area beaches, we noticed several fishing boats. One, in particular seemed like it was rocking, even though it was on shore. The words written on the boat read "RAINBOW'S END".

The closer we got to the boat, the more we saw it shake. However, once we got close enough to it, whatever was inside vanished. Strangely, the rest of the time at the beach and even back home at St. Laurence House, we all had a weird feeling as if we were being followed. Could it have been something in the boat?
At the NHA Kabala School, the studens hurried in to begin classes.

There was excitement in the air.

Suddenly we saw a little flash of green whiz past one of the classrooms. What was that? Could it be...was that a leprechaun?

It is, it is... although to some of us

he looks more like Elton John!

Much to the student's delight,

the wee little creature visited each classroom

and handed out

shiny green foil covered chocolate coins from his bag.

Not the traditional gold coins said to have been found at the end of the rainbow,

but to students who rarely have candy, especially chocolate

... this was better than gold coins.

This little African/Irish Leprechaun appeared out of nowhere and

boldly began to go about his work.

But his boldness quickly waned as he noticed

that the children were much larger than he is.

The Leprechaun became a bit timid.

Not wanting to forsake his gift giving;

he chose Mako

to escort him throughout each classroom - for encouragement and protection.

With Mako by his side, he resumed his coin gifting.

As each student received their candy coin

from the little guy,

they smiled and giggled.

The children were amazed and happy at his presence.

Student to student, classroom to classroom

the Leprechaun handed out the coins.

Thinking back at the shaking boat at the beach, we wonder. Could this have been where this little Leprechaun lives, was this the famous Rainbow's End?

Who knows?

All that we at NHA know is that somehow this

sweet little leprechaun

showed up at Nazareth House Apostolate School in Kabala

and handed out chocolate coins

and in doing so,

he brought lots of smiles.

After all the students had received their treats, the wee little man went outside

to deliver candy coins to the parents and

younger children that had gathered outside of the school.

He didn't leave out anyone ...

he distributed his goods well.

Towards the end of the morning,

the leprechaun was tiring and ready

to return to where it is he returns.

But first, placed in the lap of sister Emily

he took advantage of a quick loving snuggle...

then it was off to Leprechaun land. He vanished as quickly as he appeared.

As we looked around to see if we could catch another glimpse of him, we noticed

he'd left a little "Ireland" behind in Kabala.

What cheer this guy spread around.
Maybe next year, he will show up again? All of us at the Nazareth House Kabala School certainly hope so.

The Prayer of St. Patrick
I arise today
Through the strength of heaven;
Light of the sun,
Splendor of fire,
Speed of lightning,
Swiftness of the wind,
Depth of the sea,
Stability of the earth,
Firmness of the rock.
I arise today
Through God's strength to pilot me;
God's might to uphold me,
God's wisdom to guide me,
God's eye to look before me,
God's ear to hear me,
God's word to speak for me,
God's hand to guard me,
God's way to lie before me,
God's shield to protect me,
God's hosts to save me
Afar and anear,
Alone or in a mulitude.
Christ shield me today
Against wounding
Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me,
Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ on my right, Christ on my left,
Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down,
Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,
Christ in the eye that sees me,
Christ in the ear that hears me.
I arise today
Through the mighty strength
Of the Lord of creation

Join us at Nazareth House Apostolate. Be a part of an organization where the people that make it up are more than simply supporters, we are a family, working together to help each other get through the day, the week, the year. Its all about the love and at Nazareth House, there is plenty of love both given and received.