On the road to Kabala, The girls settled down to get some pleasure reading completed. They've been working so hard, testing at school, that they have been looking forward to a little relaxation and free time.

Though the Mansaray family found themselves crammed into Sanu's small car, they still were more comfortable than some of their fellow travelers.

As is the tradition with NHA as we travel to Kabala, we made stops along the way to give out supplies.

James and Kadijah arrived at One Hut Village

just in time to deliver some rice and medications on Holy Saturday.

As an added Easter treat,

our NHA staff gave out candy necklaces (Thank you, Liz Holt)

to the children they met.

They also had some protein supplement drinks

for some of the children that are in the process of Internal Parasite removal and need extra nourishment.

You can see from the above photo that the protein drink is quite tasty.

The families at One Hut Village are always happy to see us and would be delighted even if we brought them nothing. However, thanks to your donations - we had plenty to bring them: Rice, Candy Necklaces and medications.

The medications for this particular trip were donated by St. Alban's Church, Sun City, AZ and St. Mary the Virgin Church, San Diego, CA.

What great Easter gifts (food & medicine).

One Hut Village welcomes a newborn

and despite the grumblings of Mama Vicki,

they were excited to have Vaseline to cover the child. I have tried to convince the mothers that the vaseline clogs the baby's pores... but I've not been too successful... as you can see by the delight in this young mother's face as she receives a jar. For some reason they like to grease the child up head to toe in vaseline.

Next, James and Company stopped by the family of the Twins (the twins peering out of the window on our website).

When Fr. Seraphim, Emily and I stopped by a few weeks ago, we were so excited to find out that the twin's mother is pregnant. After all our sadness of loosing Husianatua's twin sister to worms, new life is a blessing. Also while we were there, we noticed Husianatua was suffering a severe case of worms. We treated her and from the looks of these pictures she does look in better condition. James informed me that they did give another treatment for worms to Husiantua this Easter visit.

I don't see the jaundice in her eyes and she looks healthier....

and seems to be enjoying the Candy Necklace.

The children lined up as Ann Marie and Lucy gave out

The Easter gifts of candy necklaces to the children in this small village.

Next week, I will post more about our visit to this village when we were in Sierra Leone.

I love that every time we hand out a bag of rice, or help a family in Sierra Leone, NHA adds them to the family

and a relationship begins - we get to grow together, work together, be together.

If you are not already a part of this great adventure,

I invite you to join us today.

As our dear friend Ray says "Its love to the TENTH power". God bless you all!