By Jeremiah (Jerry) Mako Mansaray, Kabala, Sierra Leone:
Hello Friends and Supporters,
We, the Teachers and Pupils of Nazareth House School, Kabala want to start by thanking you for all the help and support.It is with great pleasure and happiness that we sent you this week school report.
School re-opened again on the 12th of April after the Easter break. On that very Monday, the turn out at the school was good.As with many schools around Kabala,the first week of the re-opening of school usually witnesses a very low turn out of school children both at the Primary and Secondary level.This is a serious problem for our schools and pupils in Kabala. However, with the NHA school and the introduction of the "Home Visit" the situation in our school is looking much better. Parents now take their children to school themselves which is a very good support for the school.
We start the first day of school with a general cleaning. As health is wealth; we want to keep our children in a clean and healthy environment,cleaning is necessary.The children clean the school compound and re-pack their various classes. We introduce our Scripture theme for the term to them at the assembly ground. This Scripture will guide and direct us for the rest of the term.
The day is then followed with a short but very important staff meeting. Updates of the past term activities are discussed and necessary corrections are made.Then a briefing for the term is tabled. What needs to be done,how it should be done, among others are discuss.This helps us to work as a team and keep the school running properly. Pa.Foday as our Educational Superintendent is always present at such briefing.
With such interaction,updates and briefing we are now fully ready to go back to our teaching.
The week started well .We have no complaints of any major illness of any of our children this week. Although complaints of fever,cold and Malaria keep coming to my office. As usual we refer them to the Government Hospital for treatment. Malaria is among the highest complaints we have for this week.

The reason being is that the mangoes are back in Kabala.

this means the proliferation of mosquitoes.

Some children still have the bed nets that NHA provided but they are becoming ragged and most of our kids we visited sleep with out one. This is serious concern for us out here.
My birth was celebrated in my absence at school,I was told this morning. I have to travel to freetown to see my supervisor,as I am writing my degree dissertation.Thanks to Mama Vicki and Father Hicks for paying the university charges.What a great blessing that was.
I also want to thank all friends and supporters for making my birthday (April 15) a blessed one.
With this I leave you for the week.We are what we are today at NHA Kabala school as a result of your help and support. To you all we say it is great that you give and help us out here. Please, continue the good work for you reward will be great in Heaven.
Much love from us all,
Jerry Mako.