It is still dark, but the relentless howling and barking of the demon possessed dogs have finally stopped.

Note: Simba is a great dog, and only barks in warning to his family he protects.
Flashlight in hand, I grab my toothbrush, knock the cockroaches off of it and head to the bathroom for a nice COLD shower. It's startling enough for the cold water to hit you first thing in the morning but even more unsettling when there is no electricity and you are showering by flashlight. T.I.A.*
For the most part, St. Laurence House lives at the level of the people around them. We don't have a generator, so when the city turns the electricity off, we use candles. When the tap water is turned off, we carry buckets long distances to gather our water. We have some updated equipment which enable us to do our work, but nothing to the extreme. However, the loss of the lights, the water, give you a better appreciation of what you do have. You learn quickly to not take anything for granted.
By now, the night sounds have subsided enough to hear the songbirds welcoming the morning. The comforting sound of the women sweeping the porches can be heard throughout the neighborhood.

I have started the fire and am making coffee in the coffee press.
A woman driving by in a taxi spies Fr. Seraphim and wonders about his beads. She stops the driver and hops out "I have to know more about this man who prays".

*T.I.A. = This Is Africa