We've got lots of feet...
And most of these feet, have no shoes!
As many shoes as we have received (and as you see we have quite a few)...
We are nowhere near our goal to put shoes on 5000 children.
Walmart marked down a lot of lined rubber clogs to $1, maybe there is still some left in your local Walmart. If you find them, grab them up and send them on to us.
I found some sneakers for $10, and other good priced shoes at Dollar General and other discount places. Try Big Lots. Wherever you go, if you look you can find shoes at decent prices and these children are so in need of shoes. They have none and the rains are coming on in Sierra Leone.
I wish we could put shoes on every child and adult in the country but this is a huge start. Let's at least shoe 5000! We can do it!
Keep buying up shoes and sending them to:
Nazareth House/One Love Foundation
c/o Maria Stianchie
402 W White Bear Road
Summit Hill, PA 18250
If you get the shoes, we've got the feet!
Nazareth House/One Love Foundation
c/o Maria Stianchie
402 W White Bear Road
Summit Hill, PA 18250
If you get the shoes, we've got the feet!