Deadline for Shoe Collection for children of Sierra Leone
August 1, 2009
Let's see if we can raise at least 5000 pairs of shoes...
August 1, 2009
Let's see if we can raise at least 5000 pairs of shoes...
If you would like to be a part of the SHOE DRIVE for our students at Nazareth House Kabala School in Kabala, Sierra Leone and the children of St. Mary's Orphanage; Walmart is selling on clearance for $1 these rubber clog shoes.

Check out your local Walmart and see if they have any left in your area. Can you imagine, you can put shoes on 20 kids for $20 bucks! Awesome!

The shoes are very practical as they are rubber and will be especially good for the upcoming rainy season. Also, the lining replaces the need for socks, which most children do not have!

Marie from One Love Foundation, a charity for Sierra Leone that partners with Nazareth House, is preparing a container to ship to Sierra Leone. The shoes will be distributed to our school students and the orphanage with any overage of shoes distributed to the thousands of children who have no shoes in the Sierra Leone.

The Louisville area had some of these clogs on clearance in February and I thought they were soldout, but I found a few more for $1 yesterday in one of our area stores. I am sure around the country they are available as well.

If you can grab up the Walmart specials (or any other shoes on clearance at your local discount stores) please do so and send them to:
Nazareth House/One Love
Attn. Maria Stianchie
402 W White Bear Road
Summit Hill, PA 18250
Attn. Maria Stianchie
402 W White Bear Road
Summit Hill, PA 18250