Last week another package arrived, leaving around 4 packages still out there, hoping to find their way to St. Laurence House. One contains the very crucial worm pills for the orphanage, the children are in great need of this medication.
Even at his young age, Roo appreciates every box that arrives and knows it will bring help to someone. He keeps this package in a tight grip until he makes his way into St. Laurence House.
James talked with the postal workers and asked them why our boxes are being delayed (or possibly gone missing). Their reply, "Not our fault"; "must be happening in another country". I beg to differ, I can track them until they get to Lungi, (the port point of Sierra Leone, where the airport is) then its a gamble. The Post Office in Freetown has been faithful and considering their little to no pay for their work, they have been exceptional. Its my suspicion that the abuse of the packages is happening at point of arrival. If only those delaying their delivery would have as much consideration of their fellow countrymen as the people who donated the medications and other humanitarian needs.
Trial and error are part of growing and Nazareth House will do all that it can to find a way to get the items needed to these people. The children in the above picture and all the others in Salone, are our reason to fight and do all we can.
These beautiful people have captured our hearts. Like in every society, there are those who are corrupt, but for the most part, the people of Sierra Leone are gentle, loving people who had no comprehension that another human being could be so bad as to hurt another person... until the war...and then they experienced and witnessed the most unspeakable atrocities. And yet, they continue on, struggle after struggle, re-building their lives with no anger in their heart. They make life happen in the moment, whatever that moment may hold.
It is for them, that we band together and make their moments a little better, bit by bit, moment by moment. Thank you for your continued support.