Kadijah embodies the true spirit of "Nazareth" in Nazareth House Apostolate.

The hiddeness and ordinariness of Nazareth is an icon to something beyond self. It is the accepting that people may say of us what others said of him, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” John 1:46, i.e. can anything good come out of this life of “ordinariness”and “hiddeness”, strategically placed in areas of need, making a difference by entering into the present moment? The formation of this apostolate is our answer and by entering into this answer, we become a residence of mercy for Him.”
Hidden, silently, Kadijah goes about her daily chores
and her work as an integral member of the Nazareth House staff.

She is invaluable to our work, as the mother of the household, she has many talents as well as being the HEART of St. Laurence House.
Daily, unbeknownst to most, Kadijah is quietly preparing meals for those who are in need. A stream of people come and eat of her labors - hidden, receiving a meal in her backyard and going about their business. There was a time that I have been inside St. Laurence House totally unaware of all that she was doing right under my nose in the backyard. She gives company to the lonely, finds clothing for the naked, all these things she does daily and no-one knows about it. She just tends to the needs, silently and hidden. Nazareth.
Nazareth House is most honored to have Kadijah as a staff member, but even more so..Fr. Seraphim and I are most honored and proud to have her as our daughter.
James...you did well in finding this wonderful women. ...But then again, we know your great wisdom and level headed thinking - therefore we wouldn't have expected anything less of you.
Cheers to you, our beautiful, Kadijah.
Have a wonderful day. We wish you many Blessings on this day, your birthday, and always. WE LOVE YOU DEAR KADIJAH!