I was recently asked: "What does Nazareth House need to operate and what are your expenses?"
The answers are:
- Our first priority is to establish a permanent center of operations in Freetown, i.e.our own compound. For many reasons, the most practical location for the compound is Freetown, the capital city of Sierra Leone. As you are well aware, Communication between Nazareth House supporters and those we serve is very important to our work. It enables the flourishing of relationship. Through the blog, Youtube and the website we meet and get to know each other. We learn in detail where our donations are going and how it makes a difference collectively and per each individual.
In return the recipient also knows about the donor. Internet communication at the level that we expect and depend on is best accomplished in Freetown. It is also the port in which supplies reach our staff. The accessibility of Freetown, the availability of supplies, etc. make it the prime choice for operations.
- Many worked very hard to pay this year's rent for St. Laurence House, our rented operations center. We have until next March on the current lease.
We must own our own property before that time lapses. Time flies by, we need to work very hard to accomplish this goal quickly. There are too many depending on us to survive for us to let this go by the wayside. We have all worked too hard and changed so much to stop now. We must carry on. Special Donations for the compound should be sent noted "Compound Fund".
- Nazareth House's general expenses run at $2000.00 per month. This includes the salaries of 5 teachers at the Kabala School and salary for the school's Superintendent. There are no salaries for administration, etc. of those who work for Nazareth House in the United States. It is all volunteer. The teachers are responsible for well over 200 students as well as administration for the school in Kabala. Pa Foday, a most capable Superintendent, not only supervises it all, he also supervises each of the students personal lives i.e. he faithfully drives his dilapidated motorbike checking on the living conditions, proper assembly and usage of mosquito netting, family health of each and every student. Not to mention, he also works and maintains the village farm. Pa Foday is in desperate need of a new motorbike to do this task. The children live great distances from the school. Special Donations for a new motorbike should be sent noted "NHA School Motorbike". In addition to the salaries and monthly maintenance and supplies for NHA School and its students, Nazareth House monthly expenses include feeding several families in Freetown and various villages between Freetown and Kabala, especially Two Hut Village.
We cover medical fees and medications, school fees in and around St. Laurence House, and maintain our staff as well as utilities for our rented center of operations. It is truly amazing how much we are doing with so little. This is because God can do big with small. When we think we are not big enough or capable of providing the need, God says "IAM".
Our income barely covers the monthly expenses.
There are some months it doesn't make it and people must go without. This is the reason for our campaign to secure minimum $25 monthly donations. The more people that are giving $25 a month, the more we can do for the men, women and children who are without food or are surviving on a single meal a day, dying of curable diseases, living uneducated, etc.
We must spread the word and generate more support. If you haven't already committed to a monthly donation please consider doing so today. Monthly Donations can be mailed each month to Nazareth House Apostolate at 2216 Goldsmith Lane, Louisville, KY 40218 or sent automatically through your Financial Institution's online billpay system. You may also pay through the website via paypal.
- Monthly income is our most crucial need at this time, without it, we cannot meet the needs of so many desperate people, as well as raise the funds to perpetuate our existence in Sierra Leone with our own compound.

GOT SHOES? In addition to monthly support, we have partnered with One Love Foundation, Summit Hill and the students at Penn Kidder School in Pennsylvania to collect shoes for the students of our Kabala School and the children of St. Mary's Orphanage in Freetown.

* Nazareth House Apostolate/One Love Foundation (For SHOES ONLY)
* Attn. Maria Stianchie
* 402 W. White Bear Drive
* Summit Hill, PA 18250
Be sure to Note Nazareth House Apostolate and your name on each shoe shipment.
Shoes should be sent prior to May 23, 2009.

All Financial Donations should be sent to:
Nazareth House Apostolate
2216 Goldsmith Lane
Louisville, KY 40218