It is always exciting to receive a package in the mail.

To live in Sierra Leone and receive a package from the Nazareth House Branches in the
United States is even more exciting.

You know that what you are receiving will benefit others as well as provide you and your family with a little something extra that otherwise would be impossible to have in Salone (either unavailable or too expensive to purchase).

3 more boxes arrived last week. They contained medical supplies and a few goodies for our St. Laurence House staff.

As you can see by the huge smile on little Roo's face, even used Barbie dolls can brighten your day.

Sending items from USA to Sierra Leone is very cost prohibitive, however, we at NHA, from time to time find creative ways to use such things (as Barbies, Stuff animals) as packing material in with the medical supplies and medicines. It keeps bottles from rattling around or getting smashed.
Arlene Rogers sent the Barbie Dolls, hoping to cheer a few little girls - however,
looks like we'll have to pry them out of little Roo's hands. LOL!
Lucy stands with the medicines sent by
St. Charles Anglican Church, Huntsville, Alabama.
Ann Marie proudly shows off all the items that successfully traveled from Louisville to Freetown.

The items here are for Kamasorie Village. Many children are going blind in this village due to lack of Vitamin A.

James was especially happy to receive the coffee shipped from Liz Holt especially for him. Last visit, I left a stainless steel coffee press at St. Laurence House
(The French Coffee press works best because it requires no filters or electricity) with a little bit of coffee. The common coffee found in Salone is freeze dried instant and for a coffee snob like me, this just wouldn't do. James had not tasted coffee like what I had brought from home and therefore rationed every last crumb. He was totally out by the time Liz replenished his supply.
Oh, Mr. Roo, my SupaRoo, I miss you so much, especially that smile. James and Glenda Krapf through their daughter, Virginia sent some baby formula which will come in handy for those infants whose mothers are unable to breastfeed.
James and Glenda also just paid for Lucy and Ann Marie's next terms in school.

Deacon Tom sent some food stuffs that are difficult to find in Sierra Leone to St. Laurence House.

New names/faces are being added daily to NHA. We are growing slowly but surely. As we grow, we are able to provide more and more to those in the cracks, abandoned, alone and hungry. Thank you.

So many of you do so much for Nazareth House. It is such a rewarding experience to be a part of this Nazareth House family.

There is not enough storage space on this blog to allow me to post all the photos and names in order to thank everyone at once for their help to NHA. We will be thanking a few at a time as time goes on, keep checking the blog. Suffice it to say,
we are most honored and grateful for your support and love for the people of Sierra Leone.
Most especially we are delighted to see a slight response in our campaign to generate monthly support. Our goal is to have 1000 people donating regular monthly support. To date we have 20 people signed up, (6 using automatic billpay through their online banking) - long way to go to meet our goal. But there was a time when we thought building a school in Kabala was impossible... At Nazareth House, we are into duration, we don't give up - too many lives depend on it.