As James and his family travel to Kabala bringing shoes to the students of the NHA School,
Should the need ever be questioned, the answer presents itself right now.
As they come closer, bag of shoes in hand, James is helped
by a curious (and excited) young man.
One by one,
shoes are fitted

and distributed.
As we look at
this guy's toes peeking out of his worn out, busted up old blue pair of shoes

and see the shiny new red shoes
he is presented with, we see just how much a difference we make

by providing even one new pair of Walmart Clearanced Priced shoes.

Can you imagine the impact we are going to make with all the shoes we've collected!
Nazareth House Supporters... YOU'VE DONE GOOD!

One Love & Maria Stianchie... YOU'VE DONE GOOD!
Look at your compassion in action! See the smiles.
At Nazareth House everyone does their part to accomplish what is needed to give aid
to our brothers and sisters in Sierra Leone.
Some of us bought shoes, some of us provided
funds for James to make these trips, some contributed money to feed the people,
some paid for shipments of supplies, some helped get the medicines to us.
It is truly a matter of teamwork. Team players working together,
making it all happen despite the ocean separating us.
Some of us do our part from America, the others do their part in Sierra Leone. A win, win situation - the goal is providing for those without... and through Nazareth House you are definitely accomplishing this goal.
Congratulations and keep up the beautiful work.