As I type this, Roo is down with another fever and what looks like another bout of malaria. So sad that so many needlessly suffer this disease.
I remember a few mission trips ago when together with One Love and Penn Kidder's Class we purchased bednets in Sierra Leone. As we distributed them we found that they had been gifts from other global outreach organizations. Clearly written on the bag it said "Not for resale, a gift from "_____" " Meaning that they were given for malaria prevention for free, but not distributed, instead they were sold. Because the general population cannot afford to purchase a bednet, this inhibits the preventative process tremendously. Thankfully, Nazareth House was the ones who bought them and we individually distributed them. Not only that, once we gave them away, Pa Foday and the teachers have kept an ongoing watch in Kabala - visiting the children's home to make sure the bednets are in use and properly placed over the bed. James has done the same in Freetown.
Even with the bednets, Roo continues to suffer this terrible disease.
Read this article to understand the severity of malaria and the consequences from having it