Allow these pictures to show you what you've done, what we've all done through Nazareth House Apostolate. 


You brought about smiles,

not just one or two smiles,

but MANY smiles.
You provided our Nazareth House Staff in Freetown, Sierra Leone

with the means

to bring the spirit of Christmas to many people.

Some received

candy canes,

some received rice,

some got a little cash

to help them along.

Others got chickens,

and yes, there are still more shoes to be given.

In return, it is you and I that have been gifted by all this.
On Christmas morning I opened these pictures from James in my email inbox.

These are my greatest gifts I have received: But one in particular lifted my spirits and made me cry tears of joy. It is this picture below:

And another picture of the same child with a smile on her face as she licks her candy cane.

Look again, do you know who it is?

It is a child I never have seen smile, click here for past blog post about her and yet here she is smiling, her eyes shining!

It is little Husianatu from the window of our website homepage. The child lonely for her twin sister who died several months ago. James has brought her family Christmas gifts of rice, candy canes, supplies, etc.

What joy to see this, to see this child smiling. What joy it is to see others smiling, too.

James, you could not have given me a better gift, thank you my son, you've done well. And to all of you, our Nazareth House supporters, I say the same:

Thank You so much, you've done well and these pictures say it all! Please keep it up, the needs continue so we must continue to give as well.