St. Simeon Skete, Taylorsville Kentucky USA

With St. Simeon, the God receiver, as our patron, the skete seeks to practice the ideals found in our Rule, The Thousand Day Nazareth. In simplicity and poverty, the skete embraces the struggle of inner life through the practice of the Prayer Rope.

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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Teacher Lucy surgery completed yesterday!

PHOTO: The four Teachers of Nazareth House Kabala School. (Lucy far right)

Wow! What a difference from difficulties getting surgery performed in Freetown. Pa Foday has reported that the appendicitis Teacher Lucy developed has resulted in surgical removal of the appendix and she is recuperating in the Kabala Hospital. The charge for the surgery is $150 which I am sure we can come up with. This is a much more reasonable fee than what poor Gladys had to endure.

Lucy has sacrificed and been there for Nazareth House providing A-1 education to the students in Kabala for many years now - without pay! Day after Day, month after month, year after year.