Thanks to the Butler Family in Tennessee, Nazareth House now has one shipment of o-t-c medication to send to St. Laurence House in Freetown for distribution to those who are sick. The collection of medication is precisely the most needed and could not have come at a more needed time! Thank you, Tim, Janet, Brittany & Savannah!
The above pictures show the medications just received from the Butlers (2nd & 3rd photos) and also those received a few months ago from Ashley & Mary Beth Landess of South Carolina(Top Photo). This might help if you, too, would like to pick up a bit of medicine for Sierra Leone. The Butlers purchased all of these at Dollar General.
Ashley & Mary Beth picked up their medications from a Drug Store going out of business and were able to find much needed Lice Control shampoos and all. Our biggest hope is to find a source for Pin-worm medications as well as hook worm, etc. We see so many deaths due to worms, what a tragedy. We'd like to find the prescription strength VERMOX that we are no longer able to receive. It really works on several types of worms and we saw such a huge improvement during our distribution of the tablets. sigh....
Watch for close-outs, sales & generic brands. Big Lots, Dollar General all have perfectly effective medications at reasonable prices.