The account of St. Laurence (sometimes spelled Lawrence) follows. You will understand why St. Laurence House was named for this martyr...Sierra Leone is full of the treasures of the church", the poor.
The story on St. Laurence:
Saint Laurence was one of seven deacons who were in charge of giving help to the poor and the needy. When a persecution broke out, Pope St. Sixtus was condemned to death. As he was led to execution, Laurence followed him weeping, "Father, where are you going without your deacon?" he said. "I am not leaving you, my son," answered the Pope.
"in three days you will follow me." Full of joy, Laurence gave to the poor the rest of the money he had on hand and even sold expensive vessels to have more to give away.
The Prefect of Rome, a greedy pagan, thought the Church had a great fortune hidden away. So he ordered Laurence to bring the Church's treasure to him. The Saint said he would, in three days. Then he went through the city and gathered together all the poor and sick people supported by the Church. When he showed them to the Prefect, he said:
"This is the Church's treasure!"
In great anger, the Prefect condemned Laurence to a slow, cruel death. The Saint was tied on top of an iron grill over a slow fire that roasted his flesh little by little, but Laurence was burning with so much love of God that he almost did not feel the flames. In fact, God gave him so much strength and joy that he even joked. "Turn me over,"
he said to the judge. "I'm done on this side!" And just before he died, he said, "It's cooked enough now."
May you have a blessed St. Laurence Day and remember the poor and the hungry.

Please help Nazareth House Apostolate especially at this time, Give Today. We are at a crucial stage of trying to be there during the Rainy Season when needs become harder for all. It is important that we physically are present to administer supplies, and needs during this time. Only you through your compassion demonstrated in your giving can make this possible. We must cover the cost of air fare for two, and the funds to provide for the people once we land in Sierra Leone. Every year, you've shown your dedication to this cause and made it happen. Despite the recession, we are trusting that you will come through again. God bless you.
Mail to:
Nazareth House Apostolate
2216 Goldsmith Lane
Louisville, KY 40218
via paypal donation link on our website
If you are making monthly donations, thank you, please continue - we depend on this to provide the monthly needs of the people & continue the operation of the school in Kabala. If you are not contributing monthly, please consider doing so.
For this special time we must ask for additional funds over and above the regular monthly donations to make this mission a reality. Thank You.