St. Simeon Skete, Taylorsville Kentucky USA

With St. Simeon, the God receiver, as our patron, the skete seeks to practice the ideals found in our Rule, The Thousand Day Nazareth. In simplicity and poverty, the skete embraces the struggle of inner life through the practice of the Prayer Rope.

See our website at

Donations should be addressed to: Nazareth House Apostolate, 185 Captains Cove Drive, Taylorsville, Kentucky 40071.

Important Notice: All writings, posts, graphics & photographs in this blog are the copyrighted property of (unless otherwise indicated) Nazareth House Media, a division of Nazareth House Apostolate and cannot be copied, printed or used without written permission from NHA Media, Taylorsville, KY.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Temporary Blog Set Back

Dear Blog Watching Friends,
Unfortunately with all the wonderful photos you see on this blog, we have used up our initial storage space to allow photos. Google gives you 1G of space and as of this morning after over a year on the blog with tons and tons of pictures, we have reached our limit. Early this morning, I purchased 10G more storage, but google tells me it will be 24 hours before I have access to it.

James sent me the most compelling and dear Valentine Message for you - with photos (of course) but it seems it will be late tonight or Monday before photos can be added to this blog again. :(

Please check back often. It is important.

In the meantime, we are still far from reaching our necessary goal of $10,000 rent on March 1st. Less than 15 days from now, if we don't make it...St. Laurence House is shut down and James, Kadijah, Lucy, Ann Marie and little Roo are out on the streets along with all of our provisions for those in need. It will be a bitter blow, not only for Nazareth House Apostolate, but for the people who depend on us to survive and move forward in Sierra Leone.

When you depend on the compassion implemented through donations, it is difficult to plan. This is the reason that urgent and immediate requests like this pop up for us. We've accomplished so much this year with the little we've received. We have completed construction and opened a school. We provided every child with uniforms. Students numbers are increasing daily. Now that the school is open we are maintaining the needs to further and continue. We feed many people in Freetown as well as provide school fees for continuing education, pay hospital fees, provide medical attention and medicines for the sick, provide housing, name it, NHA is doing it.

The landlord is firm and posed to take back the rental property if we don't come through. Its not that he is being mean or anything. We made a deal to be out by March 1st (hoping to have purchased our own property); we couldn't raise the money, and the landlord (who wants the property for personal use) was granting us a favor by extending it through 2009. If you remember, he did not want to rent it even in 2008!


Please make your tax deductible donation TODAY.

Mail and make payments to

Nazareth House Apostolate (NHA)
2216 Goldsmith Lane
Louisville, KY 40218 USA


via our PayPal donation link on our website (bottom left hand of each page of the website)

The donation amount on this link is set at $25, but you can increase that amount (or decrease) before clicking on the link to paypal.

Thank you! Keep looking for the blog to return with photos....