Last October 13, 2008, I mailed some gifts for Lucy, Ann Marie and lil' Roo.
Having witnessed the inadequate backpacks available to them in Freetown, I promised to send them some sturdy ones. My daughters both have their LLBean backpacks from high school that I bought for them in 1996! I had become worried as the long delay in delivery, but as usual the Post Office came through for us again! Finally these kids have backpacks to last for many many years and bring them through all the hard avenues of making their way to school each morning and arriving home each night.
We received word that Lucy has injured her foot and it is very swollen. I will have more news to report about that soon.
The KEEP A ROOF OVER ST. LAURENCE HOUSE fund which is collecting the $10,000 for this year's rent (due in full March 1, 2009) has now received $1500. We are lacking $8,500 more. Keep up the good work. Invite your neighbors, friends, family and co-workers to be a part of continuing the remarkable work in Sierra Leone. We can do this. Give today! Thank you