Another brilliant and talented young lady that NHA recommends that you keep an EYE on is Ann Marie Parker. She was born February 20, 1995. After first staying with us on weekends during early school years, Ann Marie made St. Laurence House her permanent home in 2004. She is fully a part of the St. Laurence House & Mansaray Family in every way.
Up until this school season, Ann Marie and Lucy have always been in the same classroom, the same school. Because of their career choices, they had to part ways and go to separate schools this year. Both girls have continually excelled in their academic studies, repeatedly receiving awards.

Ann Marie now attends The International School, LTD where she will prepare and focus on a law degree. Can't say enough good about this dynamic young lady. We love you, Ann Marie!

Very early one morning while we were last in Freetown, Ann Marie came into the Prayer Room where Fr. Seraphim was finishing up his prayers on his beads. She came in and sat quietly beside him. They struck up a conversation. Fr. Seraphim asked her why she chose to become a lawyer. She told him that "In my country, only the rich, powerful and privileged have lawyers and I want to be a lawyer for those who are poor, those who are not powerful and those not privileged."

Before we left to go back to the States, Ann Marie asked Fr. Seraphim to write her a prayer that she could use before beginning her studies each day.

We are all delighted to have Ann Marie as a part of the family and are very proud of her. Like Lucy, she is fun, loving and very caring.

Both girls, Ann Marie and Lucy are remarkable young women. NHA is blessed to have the opportunity to provide the education for these two girls and are proud of them both. They are a credit to their parents, James and Kadijah who have done an excellent job in raising them. (From the looks of this photo above, I do believe it is time for Roo to "face the wall").