Nazareth House is doing what Nazareth House does... loving Salone.
Kadijah, Ann Marie and lil' Roo packed up some necessities and went to deliver them to Marianna. Before he passed on in October, Nazareth House promised Pa Amadu, Marianna's late husband, that we would take care of his family. A promise must be kept and through your generosity we are keeping it well. Supplies in hand, they carry them into Marianna's home.
...a few bars of soap, a little powdered laundry soap, some tea, some powdered milk ...
...and a little cash in which to eat, pay bills and exist...

WOW! Isn't it wonderful - we are loving seeing these smiles!!!!
Nazareth House works individually, finding those in need and helping according to what best helps that family. Of course, we do what we can to provide medical supply to hospitals, (especially Kroo Bay & Kabala Gov. Hospital) and we provide for our Kabala School... but our real work is finding those in the cracks, left out, not noticed - who quietly struggle to exist. Making a difference - one person, one family - at a time. Thank you for your continued support in providing for these beautiful people.