This house/compound is currently available for purchase at $250,000. Fr. Seraphim and I have been in this facility and confirmed that it is well built, fully equipped for our needs and in the exact location that we are looking to be in. It is strategically located in the midst of city among the poor.
The structure is adequate for housing our staff, storing our humanitarian aid supplies & food/rice for distribution and there is extra room for accommodating guest who come from overseas to learn and experience first hand mission field experience. This compound will allow us to establish Lazarus House (home for terminally ill). It has everything we need, it is built for saftey.
An elementary school is across the street. Downtown Freetown is easily accessible.
The owner is out of town currently and will contact me again in a few weeks. This is the best we've found in a long time.
Housing prices are high in Freetown. This is an average and fair price for such a place. Most compounds are bought by foreigners, government or/and NGO's who have the money to pay the high prices. We are not a large corporation and every penny we have goes to benefit the needy in Sierra Leone. We have no reserves. We must raise the funds to buy this compound.
It will take all of us to spread the word, raise the funds to buy this or any compound. We CAN do it. All of you involved in Nazareth House are very creative and we can bring to life ways to bring this to reality.
What you are doing - what we all are doing in Sierra Leone - under the name of Nazareth House is a good work. It is making a huge difference in many lives. The more people we invite in to share in this great experience of breathing a chance into many lives the quicker we can reach this goal. Don't leave your friends, family, loved ones out of this wonderful endeavour. Share the love.
March 2009, our staff is out on the streets. We have received our notice to vacate at that time. A humanitarian aid organization such as ours must have a center of operations. Without it, our work is in jeopardy.
More photos coming... James will be getting better pictures soon.