Its been exactly six weeks since NHA made the final move to Kabala from Freetown. As we try to fit into the system here, life continues - though in a different way. Settling into an un-settled place is always a herculean task, but for us at NHA - we do our work and don't take time to complain.
I have no doubt that this move is exactly what NHA is to be doing, bringing the work more closer to those that are desperately in need.
There is no electricity or pipes with running water here in Kabala. These utilities were last seen since I was ten years old. Yet, still life goes on. Thanks to you all for bringing the compound this far.
We are extremely fortunate to have a roof over our heads in an environment where so many can’t afford it. We want to complete this compound so that we can put it to its intended use - not just housing your NHA Staff - but being a Center of Operation to help those around us.
We are still lacking water which is an important resource in order for us to stay alive and healthy and be able to perform the tasks that NHA asks us to do. Thanks to God for the heavy rain falls, we've been filling buckets and making less long hikes to the stream to fetch water.
Despite all the struggles trying to adjust to this new life, NHA has not neglected to do its work here. Last weekend we joined hands with our friends at the one hut village to speed up the construction of their newly built zinc house.
I guess you all know what this poor family had been through (scroll through past blog posts to read about all the sad life of poverty they have experienced).
Sanu and I took more bags of cement plus rice to help this family. In a month’s time or two, if all goes well and we acquire all the help we need, they will begin to sleep in a better dry place for the first time in their life.
Things are difficult and the funding is so small for all of us,
but we are doing a good thing for them through your support to Nazareth House Apostolate.
We are also feeding more hungry villagers with a bag of rice bit by bit every month.
It would be wonderful if more and more began to support NHA monthly and we had the ability to provide for more of those in need, but for now we are helping more and more bit by bit.
We are low on medical supplies and need to restock the pharmacy in the new NHA Compound in Kabala. The postal service is slow and not performing like before.
ROO and I continue to plant flowers and clean around the new NHA Compound.
You can see by this picture that Kadijah is sporting a healthy little "baby bump".
We are excited about the new addition to our family.
Ann Marie is currently visiting with us in Kabala but will be returning to Freetown. Her biological mother has enrolled her in a school in Freetown and has decided to keep her with her at this time. Ann Marie has promised to visit with us as often as she can. This was a big heartbreak to us to have her leave, as she is part of our family. However, her parents have resumed responsibility for her. We hold them all in our hearts and prayers, especially Ann Marie.
Lucy and Roo are happy in Kabala.
We need to accelerate the home schooling for Lucy and find ways to educate her that does not take internet. DVD programs, etc.
She is a brilliant young lady and we don't want to waste all the education given so far.
Roo, on the other hand, is very much at home at our NHA School.
and learning the joys of simple living - being a young boy
growing up in a village
rather than the harshness of Freetown.
We got Roo a new puppy and I think this picture says it all. Ha Ha do you think Roo loves this little canine?
Kadijah is enjoying meeting with the neighbors and the quiet, peacefulness of Kabala.
I remember her backyard in Freetown. People slipping in and out for food. That will be the idea here again soon but right now, without the water and things.... the villagers are taking to helping us - checking in on us to make sure we are okay.

It is an amazing place here. I can't wait to get out and spread NHA to those in need. You've done well to bring NHA to Kabala, truly the needs are greatest here and the best place for NHA to be. Please don't stop now... so much to finish, so much to start. If you aren't giving monthly support to NHA... please, consider it. We are one big family bonded across the ocean... don't look away!
Donations can be made through the website at
mail your tax deductible donation to:
185 Captains Cove Drive
Taylorsville, KY 40071