Summer greetings from Kabala.
As always, when there is an information gap from Kabala. My internet connection was lost last week so I was unable to report to you. 

But not withstanding, we do best what we love to do: Praying, Home
checks for NHA School Children, helping and praying for the sick and
needy, Farming and getting prepared for the next school year.

Mako praying the Life of Christ on his Jesus Prayer beads.
Pa.Foday’s little church is not very far from the NHA School and the soon to be NHA Compound.
This little church has a good numbers of Christians, (although our district is shared with our Muslim brothers and sisters - living together in harmony - just as NHA blends all walks of life).

and most of them have their children attending the Nazareth House School.
They are all hoping and waiting to see the entire team and work of NHA
move to Kabala.
move to Kabala.

Nazareth House Apostolate is most needed in Kabala, as the district is one of the least developed in the country.
there is more to do: The Compound, The School, The Church, The
Children, The Sick, The Hungry and so many other things that need
urgent attentions.

We trust in God, Prayers and the support of our friends and the financial donations
to make this dream come true. We are so anxious for the Compound to be paid and the construction completed so the NHA can fully be seated in Kabala and doing the work so desperately needed.
Take a look at these children I don’t know how they survived but for God's
provision for their poor fathers and mothers.

People continue to die of curable sickness such as MALARIA and
TYPHOID, leaving the poor mothers to look after the children without the support of a husband.
With all this odds and suffering we can’t wait to see the full
operations of NHA in Kabala. It will change so many lives for the better.
There are plenty of good things you can find in Kabala such as: The
culture of the people, the dancing,
culture of the people, the dancing,

the singing, corps, nice places,

Kabala in the midst of all its struggles is happy and grateful
for whatever they have even when most have little or no hope for food at home.

SO, PLEASE, LET'S START GIVING. Let's make the NHA Compound a reality and let's start doing the work of NHA in a bigger way - with more and more love.
I'll see you next Friday...
With all my love and gratitude,
With all my love and gratitude,
Jerry Mako.