Years ago, on the way to Kabala, James stumbled upon a little village with a single hut for all to live in. The hut was crowded but sheltered the family from the harsh sun and rains. The people were so kind to James and treated him so well. They eagerly offered him of their food, eager to give him the best of hospitality. He immediately fell in love with the family and affectionately named the village "One Hut Village".

Since that time, NHA has done whatever we can to help out the family.

James regularly brings them rice, medicines, supplies, etc.

A few months ago, Emily and I treated the whole 'village' for worms.

Some of the younger children were suffering extensively with bellies full of parasites.
Year after year, month after month, day after day this "One Hut" family struggles to survive.

NHA does what it can to assist them,

but as soon as one need is met, another need appears.
Like many in Sierra Leone, One Hut Village hangs on by a thread. However, in all this turmoil, all this struggle - I have yet to encounter this family without a smile on their face.

Always thankful, always joyful for what little they have. They really are an amazing group of people.
During James' recent visit to Kabala, he again made his traditional stop at One Hut Village to bring rice and supplies.

His heart was pained by what he saw.

A few days before James' arrival, a storm had blown the thatched roof off of their only place of shelter.

So here is the family, keeping on, making life happen

despite another important necessity taken away from them.

What you see in these pictures are their only possessions, all that they have.
Nothing else to do, they live out in the open, no roof over their heads.

The Rainy Season is pressing harder and harder upon them.

This comes at a critical time for Nazareth House as we struggle to meet the deadlines to purchase the Compound in Kabala. It is extremely important for us to secure our continuance in Sierra Leone. Daily we deal with people who are used to having things they depend on taken away from them.

Many, many people depend on NHA in Sierra Leone.

It is important for them to know that "we are not going away", that we are here to stay, seeing them through these times of poverty.

We are here for good or bad and wish to establish a permanent residency in Sierra Leone, centering in Kabala, yet being available for all.

So in the midst of our struggle to raise money for the Compound, land etc comes yet another emergency. These are the constants in Sierra Leone, it seems the country is crisis driven. One step forward, eight steps backwards.

These are hard working people, gentle and kind, working their hands to the bone to simply exist. I am so appalled by those who say, "they are waiting for handouts, they need to work harder". There are always those who become lazy in a culture but for Sierra Leone, I don't see that as often as I do in First World Cultures. Men, women and children working with empty bellies all day just to provide themselves and their families with one evening meal.
These "emergencies" are why NHA asks for the monthly, regular donations. We need a dependable budget allowing us to have a reserve for the emergencies that will creep into reality, week after week. We keep pressing to accrue those 1000 supporters giving at least $25 per month. That averages out to about 84 cents a day, not even a full dollar. With a thousand donors giving at least $25 each month we'd be enabled to purchase the NHA Compound in Kabala, the land and property within a few short months. If 50 people would enlist 20 of their friends to join in a monthly donation - we'd be set and ready to do the work so vitally needed. This monthly budget would allow us to do the work already before us and add more and more to aid those left behind, stuck in the cracks. It would allow the expansion of our NHA School which is already overloaded with more and more students requesting entrance weekly. We are at a point of having to turn children away, this is not good. NHA could begin construction of new schools in other villages who have no school structures.

A working budget enables us to prepare for the mission trips, and be ready to handle all of the emergencies that are always popping into play. It would provide for all of this work.
Our annual income remains under $40,000. I continue to be amazed by how much we can do with very little. You need only scroll through this blog to see all that is accomplished. This is a credit to the NHA Team that includes you, me, all of us - working together.
With your support, Nazareth House Apostolate WILL get the Compound and land paid. ...AND we'll expand the school, bring education to more villages, add medical clinics ....AND put that new, sturdier zinc roof on the One Hut dwelling.

The needs have been placed in unavoidable plain sight before us, we have only to accept the responsibility to actively make it all happen.
"Nazareth House Apostolate depends entirely on God
as He expresses Himself
through your prayers,
and generosity"
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