The medical supplies, etc. that we mailed well over a month ago

IV Potassium and other hospital supplies were received from NHA,

Vitamin A for Kamasorie Village, etc.

Betsy had asked for some baby care supplies and they have finally arrived for her.

James was relieved to receive something to help the neck pain

he still suffers from the wreck he experienced this past Winter.
Many of you have given so much to make possible for the people of Sierra Leone to thrive. We are very thankful.
We are grateful to the churches that have collected the o-t-c medications for us that made up this particular batch of supplies that arrived in the post this week - namely St. Alban's in Sun City, Arizona

and St. Mary the Virgin in San Diego.
as well as Kathy Nagy of Louisville who is keeping Kamasorie Village

supplied in Vitamin A;
Aleica Willis for sending us the left over Potassium bags, needles, etc from an illness in which she had homecare (the medical supplies she didn't use were left at her house so she sent them to us).

Dr. Baumann
and Dr. Kern for their continual help

and SOS (Supplies Over Seas)
for the opportunity to purchase, at such a low price, the hosptial supplies we send.

We thank Liz Holt for various items she contributed to this shipment as well as packing the boxes up for us.

We especially thank all of your for your continued support in prayer, deeds and funding. What a wonder family Nazareth House has become - with such team work - living and loving together to give each other a hand.

Thank you all from our staff in Sierra Leone: James, Kadijah, Lucy, Ann Marie, Roo, Mako, Pa Foday and from the many other hands, arms & legs of NHA in Sierra Leone that are doing all they can to assist and make life happen for everyone - Sanu, Emmanuel (Stress),
Johnny, Betsy, Simithe, Albert....too many to name them all - but they, together with Seraphim and I, send you our perpetual gratitude for all that you are doing to change lives for the better.

God bless you all, keep up the fantastic work. You are what makes NHA so unique and so effective.