Greetings from Kabala, the land of powerful mixture.
Nazareth House Apostolate School, Kabala wants to thank God for seeing us through yet another week in the school calendar. It is a great blessing for us all, as this is the last Friday in the month of May.
This week has been a very busy and a quiet one in the school, as the students continue to write their mid term-test. However, I am glad to report that the exam has ended on Thursday successfully. We are now preparing the children for the final examination of the school year come mid June.
As a school we are happy to get back in full attendance the three children that were sick as a result of Malaria. They are looking much better and stronger. The Home Visit Team along side Pa.Foday did their best to see that these kids return back to school. We are a family at NHA,and we believe in the good spirit of Unity. The school administration is now putting in place mechanism to see that these children are able to write their exams so as to complete the year with their classmates.
With the return of the rains in Kabala, comes the time for the working and planting season. Today is a working day at a plot of land in the school compound by the children. We are going to work on the school garden as we try to develop it. We are going to plant corn, and other green vegetable. Pa .Foday, the master farmer, will also be with us in attendance this morning.
If all goes, Pa. Foday in collaboration with the school is planning to have a bigger garden this year at his farm. He has already shown me the plot of land he will like to give to the school for our “SCHOOL GARDEN”. As a school we want to see how we can grow our own foods such as cassava, sweet potatoes, ground nuts and green leaf vegetables. We also as a school want to take great advantage of Pa .Foday's knowledge and experience in farming over the past years to teach our children the practical aspect of agriculture, and to see how we can as a school in our little community be able to contribute to the national call of our president for self-reliance and food security. There is lot to do as a matter of fact, as we need tools, seedlings, among others to do the work. The task is ours and we are going to do our best to see this project a reality as we believe we can.
As a school we need your continued support and prayers to see us through this project and all the endeavors of the Nazareth House School, Kabala. We, in turn, will do all we can to make it work. We will be working in close partnership with the parents to see how they can also play a part.
Once more we want to thank you all for all the help and support all these years. May we continue to love, support, and pray for all at all time, for we love to see the unbroken chain of our Unity In Our Diversity. Working together as a family, a family in which no borders, no oceans, no language, no race, no tribe, - nothing can hold us back - working towards Peace, love and unity for all - helping each other out, making life a little less difficult for our brothers and sisters.
With Love,
Jerry Mako.