Not only do we have a fully functioning, accredited school serving the Community,
we also support a farm worked by Pa Foday that feeds the family and villagers.

You've not seen or heard much from Pa Foday lately,

and that's because he is quietly doing his work on the farm,

unnoticed but depended upon by many.

With the loss of our lease of our Operations Center in Freetown known as St. Laurence House, we are forced to find a new residence.

We've tried to prepare for this, year after year, but the money has never been raised to purchase a compound in Freetown. All the while, the real estate prices are increasing to levels that are beyond obtainable for us at Nazareth House.

Fr. Seraphim and I return in March, 2010 to make arrangements for housing our staff, supplies and operations of Nazareth House.
Every year at this time, Nazareth House is frantically collecting funds to pay the $10,000 annual rent for the small rental house we are using currently (lease expires March 2010).
This year we are in the same position, we need to raise money immediately, but this time it is to relocate and purchase our own property -- In Kabala.
Kabala, is an up and coming community,
yet maintains quiet, stillness and is family oriented. This is a good environment for our work.
The people of Kabala, including neighboring villages are very welcoming and friendly.
As you look through these pictures of the Farm in Kabala, and you see the people working together as one big family

- I believe you will agree, Kabala is where we need to be.

Last week, when James' suffered the horrific automobile accident, he was in Kabala to do just that - look for some available property.

This year, instead of raising $10,000 for annual rent (which continues to rise every year and leaves us with no stability or ownership); we are raising money to purchase land and build in Kabala, instead.
Nazareth House must continue, you can see on this blog, youtube and our website the documentation of the work being done. The lives changed.

There is no doubt where contributions go - you see the progress, you see the donations in action. This is your work, all of us together - The board members, staff and advisors of Nazareth House take no claim over the labor, it is all done in God's Name as he expresses Himself through you.
It is a global family working together.

For our trip to Sierra Leone this March 2010, we are escorting a pre-med student to help with some of the medical clinic work in Kroo Bay and in Kabala.
The airline tickets have been arranged and paid.
However, we would be wasting the opportunity if we didn't provide the same "on the ground" humanitarian aid we give every mission trip.
We must raise funds for needs as we work our way through the villages
from Freetown to Kabala. We cannot be in the country and not do the work we are called to do,
therefore we are setting a goal of $6,000 to perform these duties during this Lenten Mission in March.
We must also raise another $10,000 (minimum) for a down payment for a facility to set up our work in Kabala. We'll need to raise much more for completion of the compound, but far less than we would have had to pay in Freetown. We built the entire school for $55,000 in Kabala... we are expecting we can do as well with the compound.

This would provide housing for James, Kadijah, Lucy, Ann Marie and Roo as well. Remember, by the end of March, they will be in the streets. Our hands are tied without your financial assistance, there is nothing we can do.

Many people, especially James and his family, have put much effort and taken risk to perform and continue the work of Nazareth House.

Now is not the time to back off from what God has commanded of us

- "For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat;

I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in..." Matthew 25:35.

Please pour out of your bounty, the love expressed through your financial giving. As always, every donation to Nazareth House is tax deductible.

Tell your friends, family, co-workers - get the word out. Invite them to join in something real, something bigger than ourselves. --giving life to those in need. Don't keep it to yourself, this is an experience that should be shared.

Nazareth House is all about love, a place where you belong.