Photo: Roo surrounded by supplies for the NHA Kabala SchoolOur Nazareth House Apostolate Kabala School opens another school year this week. It will be the second year in the building provided by the compassionate donors of NHA.
James points out what your generosity has provided for the NHA Kabala SchoolThe need for supplies for the school are always in demand and we do what we can with what we have available.
Kadijah and Roo sort the supplies for NHA Kabala SchoolWe pray that as our support list grows so that our help to the school will also grow. But for now, we are happy to provide these few items as often as possible.

We are aware that the uniforms we provided last year are tattered and fading, but the kids are making do. We have committed to the school, to hang in there with them until they become self-sufficient. We must keep up with our obligations to them.

It is our hope that by some miracle the compound will be provided and we can give more attention to the needs of the school. There is so much to do. The compound remains our first and most important goal -for without it, our existence in Sierra Leone becomes very limited.