Warning: Graphic Surgery Scenes
included in this blog post
Nazareth House Apostolate uses the photo talents of our staff to bring awareness to the world of the extreme needs in Sierra Leone. Pictures speak a thousand words.

We are made aware of the severe poverty, the unsightly conditions that make up everyday life in Sierra Leone.

Children eager for clean clothing wash their clothes in a stream, but the water is muddy.

Everyday is a struggle, hard work just to perform tasks that we in the West take for granted. We can toss a load of clothes into a washing machine and go sit at the computer and check our email while the clothes wash themselves. Not so in Salone.

Yesterday, James stumbled upon a situation that hung heavy on his heart, its that same old everyday struggle of proper medical attention...or shall we say lack of it!

This young man cut himself on a cutlass and required treatment immediately.

Being poor, and the facilities inadequate, he was given the best treatment possible by this nurse, right in the waiting room - no sterile environment, no sutures available...

We wanted to impress the severity of the absence of adequate surgical equipment (basic surgical equipment) so James photographed this procedure.

The boy was cared for by a loving medical professional using what she had, plus her great common sense. He will heal, scarred more than if sutures had been used, but he will heal.

Nazareth House will be making its next mission trip very soon. We have collected the much needed medical supplies for the clinics and hospitals and it is now time that we bring it to them. We can't count on post or containers to arrive as safely and complete as if we walk it in.

We need your help in raising the funds for the travel (airflights $4,000 needed for two adults at current airfare prices) and $6,000 for on the ground needs.

That is, the emergency needs we come upon as we travel through the country such as fixing a leaking roof on a home, hospital fees for ill patients unable to go to hospital without our help, bags of rice for families starving, etc. etc.

Please give what you can and invite others to join in this worthy cause. You are making a difference and you are able to see that difference in the pictures that NHA provides to document the mission.

How many people are able to wake up in the morning and say "wow, look at the lives I helped change today" ? Through Nazareth House you can honestly make that statement, day after day. Please help.
Donations can be given through the website paypal link at www.nazarethhouseap.org
or mailed to
2216 Goldsmith Lane
Louisville, KY 40218