The students of Nazareth House Apostolate School in Kabala, Sierra Leone have become accustomed to their annual Candy Cane gifts that we hand out each year. They have been anxiously waiting their arrival. Mail can be slow during Holiday time, but I am happy to report that the Candy Canes have arrived. This year the candy canes along with pencils were given by Pat Homola-Portuondo and her husband, Carlos from Connecticut.
(click on photos to enlarge) 
Enough candy was given for each of our students at NHA Kabala School and also there is plenty to hand out in Freetown, as well. The box barely opened, you can see Roo is eagerly cramming one into his mouth, already!

The gift was given in memory of Fr. Robert Haux who had originally planned on providing the candy canes.

Candy such as this is a rare and special treat... as you can see by the huge smiles on Lucy, Ann Marie & Lil' Roo's faces.

When James has regained his strength, he will take the candy canes, pencils and go to Kabala to distribute them. And then, we'll see more happy faces. Thanks Pat & Carlos, what a fantastic gift!