Such is the case for Nazareth House Apostolate, the last few months have not been very friendly to us. There have been many severe illnesses, deaths of family and friends, and the unfortunate economic down-turn. A lot of people are struggling.
Its important for us to be kind to everybody, because everyone is having a rough time. The difficult times are magnified in countries such as Sierra Leone. Life is harder. The problems are life threatening, a matter of survival.

In First World Countries, the financial difficulties result in us cutting out some of our extra luxuries and entertainment. We may cut out our monthly gym membership, pay more attention to the groceries we buy, drive less, eat out less, make our clothes last a little longer before we replace them with new. In Third World countries, where figuring out how to provide a meal for one day is already a problem, the situation is much more severe and a matter of life or death. For families who are existing on the equivalent of less than $2.00 US dollars a week, it is impossible to make it with anything less.
As we've reported in prior post - Beginning MARCH 1, 2009, the current lease runs out on St. Laurence House in Freetown Sierra Leone. Our staff, James, Kadijah, Lucy, Ann Marie & little Roo will be left without housing as well as all our medications, supplies and hospital equipment that we store for distribution to the poor. Out on the streets with no place to go.

Nazareth House has been trying to raise money for a compound. Land and Property are being bought up in Sierra Leone fast by the elite & also Foreign Investors ....and at high costs - especially to organizations. We must buy now, while there is availability and before prices are too prohibitive. We've been offered a compound for $250,000 but in all our efforts the money just hasn't been raised. Our hopes have been that we would be able to buy it in March 2009.
Rental property is becoming harder to find in Freetown, especially a place appropriate for our needs. In years past, we've paid rent anywhere from $6,000 to $8,000 a year. This is always required as a prepay for a year. Finding a new rental place is expected to cost $10,000, if we find a suitable place available. Prices are always higher for Organizations.
I don't know how we are going to make this Compound a reality, but I do know that we MUST do it and I know that it is very important. Too many lives are at stake.
Nazareth House depends on donations to exist, to fulfill the needs of the poor. As of late, donations have been down (economy woes are bearing down hard on us). Some are unable to donate at the level they were used to, some have discontinued giving at all. We're all hurt by this economy. All of us at all levels. Our best chance of furthering the work of Nazareth House is to spread the word. If we had 1000 people faithfully giving $25 or more per month we could provide the monthly assistance, maintenance of those we serve (including our school) and also be able to raise the money to buy a compound by next March, 2010. That is...if we end up having to rent again this year... and that is IF, I say IF, we are able to find a suitable place to rent. Currently we have about 60 total Supporters of which 13 regularly give each month. Yeah! Awesome isn't it? We have done so much with so little. Can you imagine the impact if we had an adequate operations center in Freetown AND adequate funding?
Tell your friends, family, co-workers. Remember that YOU are Nazareth House - it is not an organization - you share in the work - you know the results of your contributions by the photos that James' photography talents provide us. Take time to re-look through the photos on the PHOTO WEB ALBUMS of our website and review what you've done over the years for the people in Sierra Leone. View our youtube channel at See it all in action. Look at the children in Kabala who now have a school building, complete with desks and benches, supplies, and uniforms. We cannot allow this work to be placed in jeopardy. We cannot allow these people to once again experience being left out, left behind, discarded & forgotten.
I believe in miracles, there is still the possibility that we can raise the money and buy a compound by March 2009, or at least find a place to rent for the next year. Given our funds of late, I don't know how, but God knows. God knows how much YOUR work through Nazareth House makes a difference in the lives of so many in Sierra Leone. God knows the work, he knows the needs. He knows how hard James, Kadijah and their family work to minister to the poor - night after night, day after day, moment after moment. He knows of our desire to provide a friendly atmosphere and clean environment for the terminally ill to pass on with love and friendship surrounding them. God knows the need for a mini-medical clinic in the neighborhood and our desire to make it a reality. God knows all these things.
Nazareth House relies entirely on God as he expresses Himself through YOU in your prayers, compassion and generosity.
The Seeds have been planted, the soil is tilled. There is so many possibilities to make life better and to minister to God's loved ones in the poor. Its up to you and those you invite into Nazareth House... see it come to FULL BLOOM.
Give Today, commit to monthly donations, invite friends... Lets start the campaign today to reach 1000 people donating $25 per month.