Dear friends,
Thank you so much for all the prayers. Contact has been made with James. He is alive (praise God), although still in severe pain. He waited all day yesterday to see doctor, returning today he actually saw the doctor. Diagnosis: ulcers. Doc prescribed medication that James is on his way to pick up from pharmacy now. He will call me and tell what the medication is once he purchases it -BEFORE he takes it. St. Laurence House has been depleted of its supply, including ulcer medication, awaiting our return visit to re-supply it. James gave out all that he had to the people in need and didn't save out any for himself. I have scolded him about doing this in the past... (and he'll hear more from me on that point if he does it again...ha ha). He is invaluable to Nazareth House's work in Sierra Leone.
There was a SIM-card malfunction that created the lack of contact. James had to (while sick) fight with the phone company to replace a messed up SIM card for his phone so that he could make and receive calls. Kadijah's phone is broken and non-functioning. With new SIM card in phone, we are back in communication.
Your prayers mean so very much and they are what breathes existence into Nazareth House. Please continue. James is not "out of the woods". Having a diagnosis doesn't necessarily mean opportunity for recovery in Sierra Leone.
Because of the pain, James has been taking a lot of Bismuth, which can cause the stool to become black...this may be the explanation rather than internal bleeding. At this point, the pain has not subsided. The doctor is the same doctor that treated Pa Foday for ulcers; so I am hoping that (if this is indeed) what James' is suffering will be treated properly.
Again, thanks for wading through all this with us. God bless you.