Today I had the pleasure of speaking to James in Freetown via his cell phone and also finding the email below from him in my inbox. It is quite a shock (and disappointing) to open my inbox each morning and not have a greeting from James. I was happy to find the following today. Thanks to God through your prayers, James is improving bit by bit... He said he is resting and watching DVD's of OLD TIME movies sent to him by Father Haux. James also said that the emblem patches for the uniforms arrived today! See in picture above. There were 7 boxes sent about 7-8 days ago and all now have arrived safely. Many have important medical supplies in them. Here's today's words from James:
Hey Mama,
The pictures of me on this blog are great. Thank you for it especially the one of me and you at school site. I looked like a reggae music star. See the way I stand. I wonder where I took that step from. ha ha, I love it.
You continue to make my day better everyday. I love you so much for you coaxing spirit. I will be up soon, in fact I am up already and cant wait to have you here.
So much stuffs came in the mail today (4 postal boxes) that I cant remember all. I will see what pictures and uploading will do tomorrow (if energy stays with me to come to the internet cafe). My thanks to Pa James Krapf for the leather wallet. We wish him a speedy recovery from all the work on his mouth. Kadijah likes the blue bag too.
I am so grateful to you all for the love and concern you have shown to me during this illness, now I know I have a whole lot around me.
Oh well more later.
Love you lots and greetings to all.