Lucy spreads the newly tye-dyed material out to dry, Roo cheers everyone on, while the dog Simba shows off his newly dyed feet!....and so does Kadijah - poor lady - her entire body seems to be covered in blue!
This is the way it works at St. Laurence House, everyone pitches in to do their part. While everyone was dealing with the uniforms - Ann Marie was doing the regular household chores, including feeding the hungry workers lunch. A tremendous thank you to James, Kadijah, Lucy, Ann Marie, Roo and Simba and especially Foday for all the help in making the school a reality.
If we can only collect the money for the remaining students to have uniforms in the next few days (We need them for about 95 more students) we will have accomplished a miracle. Your Nazareth House is doing a lot these days - we have the worm medications in our possession ready to be delivered on our next mission trip, the school building is almost complete, the uniforms are being prepared...a lot is going on. Our current tasks are to raise funds for the rest of the uniforms and to get the air fare & needs money to enable us to deliver the medical supplies to Sierra Leone. Keep spreading the word - involve everyone you can.