We are so proud of our brilliant Nazareth House Apostolate School, Kabala students who topped the National Primary School Exams! All who took the tests scored very high. Two of the students scored 100% topping the Kabala Region. For a new school, this is a fantastic showing.

And here's what your donations for this week are doing. The $1223 we raised for the desks, chairs and cabinets is put to its designated use.

Everyone pitching in to make this another successful school year for the children and teachers of Nazareth House Apostolate School in Kabala.

While the carpenters are busy making the desks, chairs, etc

producing one finished product

after another

the seamstresses have begun to make uniforms with what little material we have purchased.

We sent $1000 last week and the sewing is in progress - the seamstresses are being paid for their work and the material has been purchased.

However, we have 300 students, that's 600 uniforms needed. $25 makes two uniforms for a single student.

We need to send $6,500 more to make sure every student has two uniforms to start this year.

In the meantime, while we work fast to spread the word of this need, some students will pass down their outgrown uniforms,

some students are in line for the new uniforms currently being made

and others will have to go without until we get this accomplished.

For those who have asked, .."why 2 uniforms, can't they get along with one?" You need to understand that they must wash their uniforms in streams, beating them on rocks and hanging in the hot African sun on a boulder or on a line to dry.
Two uniforms is not outrageous by any means and is very practical solution for their need for clothing. The old uniforms from last year are becoming as rags, two uniforms barely get a child through a year of school. We make do and for now two uniforms per child is enough.

How about a child you may know in the States of Europe?

How many sets of school clothes do they own? ...and they have washer and dryers to do laundry quickly. And I bet they even have play clothes as well.

These kids don't.
Uniforms allow the students to be equal, so that there is not some with nice clothes, some in rags and some with less. Everyone is equal.

It looks like from what I received last week, I'll be sending another $1,000 this week for more uniforms. It would be totally fabulous if I could send the total sum needed which - is $6,500. But every penny helps. Every $25 buys two uniforms for a student, every $100 buys 8 uniforms for four students. Please do what you can, I know times are tough. Its really a worthy cause - being a part of educating 300 lives - what an awesome opportunity to give a gift that really really changes a life.
Mail donations to NHA 185 Captains Cove Drive, Taylorsville, KY 40071
or give through Paypal on the Paypal Donation link on our website.
You can look us up on Guidestar (we have earned the Guidestar Seal for Transparency) and make a donation there as well as Causes on Facebook. However, those two great methods are wonderful but wait a month before sending the money to us and that will delay the uniforms even longer. Its great to use for regular donations if its a method you like using (they do charge us fees) but with the clock ticking rapidly on the opening of the school year, we'd appreciate a mailed check or Paypal at this time. Thank you very much. God bless you all.
Thanks to our donors for giving and continuing to give over and above your monthly pledge and thanks to James and Pa Foday for coordinating all of this and making it become a reality!
We can change a life, Make this 2012-2013 School Year the best one yet for the Teachers and Students of NHA School, Kabala.
And here's what your donations for this week are doing. The $1223 we raised for the desks, chairs and cabinets is put to its designated use.
Everyone pitching in to make this another successful school year for the children and teachers of Nazareth House Apostolate School in Kabala.
While the carpenters are busy making the desks, chairs, etc
producing one finished product
after another
the seamstresses have begun to make uniforms with what little material we have purchased.
We sent $1000 last week and the sewing is in progress - the seamstresses are being paid for their work and the material has been purchased.
However, we have 300 students, that's 600 uniforms needed. $25 makes two uniforms for a single student.
We need to send $6,500 more to make sure every student has two uniforms to start this year.
In the meantime, while we work fast to spread the word of this need, some students will pass down their outgrown uniforms,

some students are in line for the new uniforms currently being made
and others will have to go without until we get this accomplished.
For those who have asked, .."why 2 uniforms, can't they get along with one?" You need to understand that they must wash their uniforms in streams, beating them on rocks and hanging in the hot African sun on a boulder or on a line to dry.
Two uniforms is not outrageous by any means and is very practical solution for their need for clothing. The old uniforms from last year are becoming as rags, two uniforms barely get a child through a year of school. We make do and for now two uniforms per child is enough.
How about a child you may know in the States of Europe?

How many sets of school clothes do they own? ...and they have washer and dryers to do laundry quickly. And I bet they even have play clothes as well.
Uniforms allow the students to be equal, so that there is not some with nice clothes, some in rags and some with less. Everyone is equal.

It looks like from what I received last week, I'll be sending another $1,000 this week for more uniforms. It would be totally fabulous if I could send the total sum needed which - is $6,500. But every penny helps. Every $25 buys two uniforms for a student, every $100 buys 8 uniforms for four students. Please do what you can, I know times are tough. Its really a worthy cause - being a part of educating 300 lives - what an awesome opportunity to give a gift that really really changes a life.
Mail donations to NHA 185 Captains Cove Drive, Taylorsville, KY 40071
or give through Paypal on the Paypal Donation link on our website.
You can look us up on Guidestar (we have earned the Guidestar Seal for Transparency) and make a donation there as well as Causes on Facebook. However, those two great methods are wonderful but wait a month before sending the money to us and that will delay the uniforms even longer. Its great to use for regular donations if its a method you like using (they do charge us fees) but with the clock ticking rapidly on the opening of the school year, we'd appreciate a mailed check or Paypal at this time. Thank you very much. God bless you all.
We can change a life, Make this 2012-2013 School Year the best one yet for the Teachers and Students of NHA School, Kabala.