Liz Holt packing boxes at NHA Headquarters in Louisville, KY
and shipped,

(Eight boxes shown above, four more sent the next day)
full of medical supplies, for distribution during our upcoming Sierra Leone Lenten Mission Trip.

arrived on March 1st in Freetown.

There are still 5 boxes that have not arrived but we are hopeful they will be in Freetown by our arrival.

As usual, sweet little Roo is there to help with the boxes.

Unfortunately, Roo fell earlier this week and

knocked his front teeth out.

They were "baby teeth" which is a good thing, but being only 3 years old, it will be a long time before they are replaced. Still and all, with or without teeth, Roo has the best smile around.

I always try to find little surprises to put in the boxes and Roo doesn't waste time in finding them. This time I had picked up a Winter Spiderman Hat and glove set. Now, you ask "Why does Subsaharan African Child need Winter hat and gloves?" He doesn't.

BUT he is such an avid Spiderman Fan that anything with Spidey on it is very special to him.