Written by James Mansaray: Freetown, Sierra Leone
Most people do help others and a whole lot try to help when they see that it is necessary. Others need to be reminded to help, thinking first of their own wants. Sometimes it’s very difficult to do when there is nothing at hand to help with. This wonderful gift from God which we call love, most times gears us towards helping others even when we don’t have enough.

Thoughts of this kept building in my head this morning as I drank a cup of coffee and ready to take my vitamin pill, a gift from a caring, loving late friend called Fr. Bob Haux.
Tears ran my eyes knowing fully well that this man I had never met before cared so much for so many including me out here. This he did from afar stretching his loving and tender heart across the oceans to many that he never had the opportunity to meet. Tell me this is not love……..
An encounter with a blind poor man walking his way to his village along the Fadugu Kabala high way created a beautiful scene of friendship and love between us.

Here this poor man was begging me to drop him off and he was ready to pay with his last leones which wont be enough for him to buy a piece of bread.

This was the best opportunity for me to extend my own side of a loving hand, making him feel so happy at his stopping point. I felt so good doing this.

Exploring the provinces where poverty is rife, you see nothing but more and more of this. In many many ways they need us. The quality of their life is in our hands, so to speak. Do we ignore them or follow our God to help them - feed them, clothe them, visit them...

We at NHA know fully well that there is nothing we can do without love. You need not be reminded to give a helping hand, you are aware of the struggles in Sierra Leone. It is in you to make use of this love and help those who can’t afford to feed their families. Your love can take form in prayers and in donations to give assistance. We've been kind of quiet about the Compound, but the need grows stronger every day and we can't look away from accomplishing that need. We must put our whole hearts, minds and energy in concreting NHA's existence in Sierra Leone - making us a permanent resident amongst the poorest of the poor. March 2010 is not so far away - give today:
Nazareth House Apostolate
2216 Goldsmith Lane
Louisville, KY 40218
May God bless and keep you all.
James. B. Mansaray.