Nazareth House is so very proud of both of these girls, their dedication, and determination. The both excel in their studies.
Recognizing early on, the areas of talents of each daughter (Lucy & Ann Marie), James & Kadijah chose schools that specialize in their vocations. Ann Marie is studying at the International School in Freetown to be a lawyer. Ann Marie wants to be accessible to the poor who are in need of the services of an attorney. Lucy is studying to be an accountant at the Lebanese School. Both girls intend to be of service through Nazareth House to the people of their country.
James & Glenda Krapf of Breeding, Kentucky and Claudio & Shelly Lopez of Bogart, Georgia through Nazareth House have provided for the girls' tuition the last few semesters.
Last week, Lucy went to her school to obtain her results for the year.
She searched through the boxes in the hallway to find her papers.
The fruit of your love is blooming, thank you for caring and changing one life at a time ...what a team!... what a wonderful family Nazareth House has become, thanks to you all and your compassion.
Other news: Roo is suffering with major diarrhea, we're thinking he is having difficulty ridding the worms in his body. Fr. Tim Butler, his wife Janet and girls, Savannah and Brittany have provided the funds for his treatment and a few other children in the area. Please pray that this medication makes it there safely. We are still hoping the last batch sent was not stolen and will someday show up. We've had boxes show up 6 months tact... so maybe... Its always nice to hold on to hope...
If you have sent shoes to Nazareth House/One Love Foundation in Summit Hill, PA...THANK YOU. The deadline to receive shoes is August 1, 2009.