I was just asked if I have anything positive to report. "Don't give me the negative, my day is bad enough, I want to hear the good news." I can only respond to that demand by giving you Nazareth and by that I give you love. That's what Nazareth House Apostolate is today, tomorrow, everyday. It is love and it is relationship. The recipient giving birth to the giver so that they both may shine. An honest ongoing relationship of the two blessing each other. The love of NHA shows in this video.
Nazareth House Apostolate is not wrapped up in a neat little package; or decorated all fancy - a feast for the eyes. We don't glitter and sparkle.
We are real and many times we are messy and dirty, spilled out on the floor, broken and troubled.
Things go wrong, things get fixed, things go wrong again - its life. Yet in the midst of that we make life happen and in our living life - we shine!
And through it all we smile because
we know that God is deeper and more real than any of our pain or troubles. We are not alone. God sees, God hears, God knows, God loves...
Today is #GivingTuesday, please consider giving a donation to Nazareth House Apostolate
Tomorrow, another crisis may rise. Jesus didn't teach to run away from, ignore, or hide from life's miseries. He taught us how to go through them. One foot in front of the other.

Nazareth House Apostolate is not wrapped up in a neat little package; or decorated all fancy - a feast for the eyes. We don't glitter and sparkle.
We are real and many times we are messy and dirty, spilled out on the floor, broken and troubled.
Things go wrong, things get fixed, things go wrong again - its life. Yet in the midst of that we make life happen and in our living life - we shine!
And through it all we smile because
we know that God is deeper and more real than any of our pain or troubles. We are not alone. God sees, God hears, God knows, God loves...
Tomorrow, another crisis may rise. Jesus didn't teach to run away from, ignore, or hide from life's miseries. He taught us how to go through them. One foot in front of the other.
you can also set up an ongoing monthly gift at the above link. Thank you.