James Mansaray, our director in Sierra Leone recently returned to his country
after a visit to America.
James has first swim in a pool |
So many of the NHA Supporters, James already knew
and loved through your acts of compassion
in supporting the work in Sierra Leone.
But finally he was able to meet several of you in person.
As much as we wanted to meet with everyone,
time limited us.
so it was like a whirlwind, meeting people...
going here, going there
seeing this,
doing that,
a time full of many "firsts",
new experiences...
so we tried to fit it all in before
he had to leave for Sierra Leone.
Dinner at Fr. Ben & Sharon Brown
James hung onto every moment,
experiencing all this new land had to offer -especially all the food. He was amazed that there is always some kind of food available in our homes and "if you go to bed, you wake up and there is still food!" Its not like that in Sierra Leone. Most people are lucky to find one meal a day.
He actually gained 11 pounds during his visit. In fact, the day James left to go home, as he was loading his bags in the car to go to the airport, he turned back, took a final look into the refrigerator and said "Good bye, food"
He learned about various forms
of transportation...
He negotiated ice...
He realized how the Nazareth House circle of friends ripples out into the world.....
He met up with old friends from Kabala now living in the States.
He went back home, eager to be with his family, yet he was full of memories and fondness for those he left behind in America. He has always been aware of the impact the supporters of NHA have on his people in Sierra Leone. He has seen lives changed for the better. However, he now knows, first handedly, the selfless giving and compassion. He understands that all Americans are not swimming in an excess of money and that NHA people are hard working people, with struggles of their own, yet sharing what they can to help out friends in need.
NHA sent James home with bags full of medication, supplies, gifts and provision for the work. His first order of business, once on Freetown soil, was to get to the Landlord and pay the rent on the St. Laurence House in Freetown.
We have been granted a stay until May 14th.
Please understand, there are NO more extensions to be given, we have exhausted all delays. We must vacate on May 14th and move into the Compound that we are in the process of building in Kabala. The landlord at St. Laurence House in Freetown, asked for $2,200 and an additional $800 to repair any damage to the building. James negotiated that this would not be necessary. Only thing needed to do at St. Laurence House is paint, as we have always kept the place up spotless and in the best of condition. Paint and labor will not cost $800! ..besides James and the family can handle doing this on their own - saving us the extra money.
The following is a brief report of what has been spent so far this year. This does not include the expenses of James visit which include the supplies, medications, equipment, etc he brought home with him.
January 2011:
- $5,000 includes $2,200 for rent of current St. Laurence House in Freetown; plus monthly support $2,200 for teacher salaries, rice & supplies, school supplies, utilities for St. Laurence House); remaining used to catch up needs in James absence
February 2011:
- $2,200 monthly support (includes teacher salaries, rice & supplies, school supplies, utilities St. Laurence House)
- $3,000 for contractor, applied towards Kabala Compound
- $2,000 for contractor, applied towards Kabala Compound
Our average receipts per month are at $2,500. This does not provide for a quick end to the NHA debt of building the Compound in Kabala. The monthly expenses of keeping people alive, paying the school teachers, upkeep and utilities of St. Laurence House, medications, shipping, etc is $2,200. We need your help. If you are already making regular contributions to NHA, please spread the word of this work that is being done - after all this is YOUR work through Nazareth House. Tell your friends, relatives, neighbors, co-workers - maybe even the company you work for would want to be a part of this beautiful team of people. And.. if you have not yet committed to regular monthly donations yourself, won't you please consider doing so today?