St. Simeon Skete, Taylorsville Kentucky USA
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Random notes & updates from NHA.
Monday, June 28, 2010
We thank you for your continued prayers. It seems that malaria is making its rounds with our staff on both sides of the ocean. Kadijah is now making great strides in recovery but Fr. Seraphim is still down with it. It has been a rough go and we're not expecting much improvement for a few days. This has been the hardest hit of malaria on either of them. Your prayers are so very important to us and to Nazareth House Apostolate. Please keep them up.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Mako's NHA School Report for this week
From Kabala come the Love, Peace and Blessing of God on this very Friday the 25 day of June.
The Nazareth House Primary School Kabala wants to give God the glory for a blessed school year-2009/2010.
As we are in the final weeks for the closing down of school, many questions keep coming to our hearts as we see and hear what is happening and goes around us. We began to wonder and the students asked:
Does God really Care about us?
Will our suffering ever end?
How can we pray so that God can answer our prayers?
And above all, how can we find true happiness?
Where can we look for these answers to these questions? Often, one book contradicts another.
There is, however, one book that contains reliable answers. It is the book of truth-The Bible, the Word of God.
In John 17:17, Jesus Christ in Prayers to God Said, “Your Word is Truth”.
In Job 34:10, God has a loving purpose for humans. That's why Jesus taught us to pray: “Our Father in Heaven let …your Kingdom come. Let your will take place on earth as it is in Heaven”. In Matthew 6:9,10,God cares so deeply about us that he has gone to great length to make the fulfillment of his purpose a certainty.-John 3:16.
In times of suffering, God in His Word foretells a time when He will establish peace on earth. In Isaiah 2:4, God will bring an end to all injustice and suffering.
For God to hear our prayers, when we pray we must not say the same petitions over and over again. In Matthew 6:7, if we want God to listen to our prayers, we must pray in the way that He approves. To do that, we need to learn what God’s will is and then pray accordingly. First John 5:14 explains, No matter what is it that we ask accordingly to God’s will He hears us.
To find true happiness, in Matthew 5:3, true happiness can be found only if we take steps to fill our greatest need, our hunger for spiritual truth about God purpose for us.
With these words for the Word of God there is hope for us as human in this troubled world, especially the NHA family as we remember this day in prayers our dear Father, Grandfather Fr.Seraphim who is in sick bed for God’s mighty healing hands to restore back again his health. He is such a God fearing, good, loving, and caring man. We are praying as a school and as a family for you our dear father.
We have as a school 14 more days to go for the closing down of school. We are presently doing our final work on the reports cards for the children and also preparing for the School Party and cultural performances for the children which they are eagerly waiting.
We will have the party and cultural performances on Thursday July 8th and on the 14th Friday we are going to close down school. A good time await us as a school in the next few days to come.
To you all we want to say thank you for all the help and support all through these years and for helping hundreds of needy children out here in Kabala.
Keep the good work by continuing to support the good work of NHA.
We love you all.
BY Jerry Mako.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Kadijah going home from Hospital Today!

Friday, June 18, 2010
Mako's Friday NHA School Report
Greetings to you all from NHA School Kabala.
We, as a school, continue to thank God for His loving kindness and protection through out this academic year.
And to all our dear friends and supporters, we thank you for the continued help and prayers which have seen us as a school having a very successful school year.
We also want to thank God for the healing of our sick loved ones. The storm of illness we received recently in Sierra Leone has given way to brighter skies and rainbows.
Sheaku, the kid with the swollen belly with worms is back in school and doing fine.
Mammy Fatu our mother is doing fine, and I was happy to know that James wife Kadijah is also making great improvement and will be released from the hospital.
We want to give God the praise for His healing power and thank you all for the endless prayers.
We have 21 days left in this school calander, as school will close down on the 9th of July.
Today marks the end of our final exams at school. Through out the week, the children at NHA Kabala School were busy writing there exams.
This exam is very important as this will see the children promoted to a new class. A total number of 196 children took to the exams not counting the nursery children who are too young to write an exam on their own.
We are now working on the report cards for the children. We have to give these report cards to the parents of these children for them to see what their children have been doing academically through out the school year.
We want to remember you in prayers our dear supporters, Mother and father, Mama Vicki and Father Seraphim on your visit to California. We ask them to send our greetings to our NHA family in California, especially our Archbishop Provence. As a school we believe our prayers are all you need and all we can offer. The good Lord is with you.
As a school we want to say ‘ Tenki’ (thank you) to all our dear friends and supporters for all the help and prayers.
We love you all as a school and as one big family.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Thursday Morning's Report from James about Kadijah
| 2:58 AM |
Good morning says Kadijah! She just walked outside to exercise a bit. She is improving a lot. This is a better place and so far they medication are doing her good.
Oh Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God Have Mercy upon me a Sinner.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Kadijah Mansaray: Last Night & This Morning
| 3:34 AM |
Its morning here and Kadijah still on the second IV. What a long night!

Thanks for all.
Oh Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God Have Mercy upon me a Sinner.
Monday, June 14, 2010

Keep Praying, waiting on new lab results...

Sunday, June 13, 2010
Prayer Request

Matthew 25:35-40 (The Message)
37-40"Then those 'sheep' are going to say, 'Master, what are you talking about? When did we ever see you hungry and feed you, thirsty and give you a drink? And when did we ever see you sick or in prison and come to you?' Then the King will say, 'I'm telling the solemn truth: Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me—you did it to me.'
Saturday, June 12, 2010
NHA School Report by Mako Mansaray