In a very short time, A Nazareth House Mission will be in the works on Sierra Leone soil. Every time we schedule this trip, all havoc breaks loose and it seems that it will never be possible. But thanks to your prayers, your compassion, your love and support - against all odds, another mission is about to take place. Praise be to God.
The words "Praise be to God" brings tears to my eyes, not only for what it means and the joy within but also because it brings to heart our dear friend, Pa Amadu Barrie. His favorite prayer was "praise to God". This Mission is dedicated to him, in honor of his life, in honor of his prayer. This will be the first visit to Sierra Leone since he dropped the body last October 12th. We will miss seeing him but know he is with us in heart.
My usual brain numbness has set in as I am on auto-focus, concentrating only what needs to be done before we leave. Strategic plans, packing, flight confirmations... etc. etc. All this must be done in prayer, for without it - we are just handing out supplies. It is the prayer that directs the life into our work, that builds the bonds of love, transcends the darkness and makes our work a service to those in need and not simply an organizational distribution. Nazareth House is honored to be in Sierra Leone, it is honored to walk with its people.
We are also most honored to have a group of people as you. An awesome, caring bunch. Thank you. The supporters of Nazareth House Apostolate ARE Nazareth House. You make it what it is.
I have no way of previewing to you what this trip will entail. We live in the moment, that is all we have. The past is gone, the future not here yet. Each moment will unfold as it unfolds, the comfort being that GOD IS IN IT.
We will do our best to keep this blog going from over there, in the meantime remember to keep us all in your prayers. God bless you.